Friday, 3 June 2011

2 days till my bday!

Heey! Hope you all doing well...
As my birthday is so close (june 5th) I decided to post my wishlist :)

1- Pandora bracelet. I love the Links of London too... they have a lot of cute charms.
2-  Pauls Boutique Polly Padlock. I simply love anchors an I've been loving this bag since the first time I saw it at Selfridges.
3- Galaxy Leggings from Black Milk Clothing. Galaxy print stuff - another obsession!!!
4- Pink Bordello shoes. I always wanted to get these shoes <3
5- Macbook - My sister got me this when she came to visit me here in the UK (about two weeks ago) and it was the beeeest present ever... LOVE IT so much.

Weell... Thats just things I would love to get for bday but anything with love would be amazing anyways :)
Also I need to start thinking of  Dan's birthday present which is getting really close too...

My next post is going to be about the Slamdunk Festival which happened last weekend and it was amazing.



Friday, 27 May 2011

Hey for the first time!

Hello everyone! It's Camilla here...
I don't even know if someone is going to read this blog and I don't even know how to start as it's been ages since I had a blog... 
I guess I'm starting this blog just to talk about what I do here in the UK (college, gigs, shopping), where I go, what I buy, what I wear and to talk about some trips and backstages too.  I will make sure to post loads of pictures and videos because I love reading blogs when people put a lot of photos... makes it more interesting.
That will help me answering the questions I get on my formspring  and I always forget to answer.

Well, as I get loads of people talking to me in english and portuguese it was a hard decision to pick the language to write but I guess you have an option to translate the page.. It should show automatically. 
- Se voce tiver lendo isso e nao entender ingles eu acho que deve ter opcao de traduzir a pagina pra portugues... Vou dar uma olhada!

That's going to be the first post but I should write another one later on and change the layout soooo...
stay tuned and see you soon <3
