I don't even know if someone is going to read this blog and I don't even know how to start as it's been ages since I had a blog...
I guess I'm starting this blog just to talk about what I do here in the UK (college, gigs, shopping), where I go, what I buy, what I wear and to talk about some trips and backstages too. I will make sure to post loads of pictures and videos because I love reading blogs when people put a lot of photos... makes it more interesting.
That will help me answering the questions I get on my formspring and I always forget to answer.
Well, as I get loads of people talking to me in english and portuguese it was a hard decision to pick the language to write but I guess you have an option to translate the page.. It should show automatically.
- Se voce tiver lendo isso e nao entender ingles eu acho que deve ter opcao de traduzir a pagina pra portugues... Vou dar uma olhada!
That's going to be the first post but I should write another one later on and change the layout soooo...
stay tuned and see you soon <3
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